Fountain of Life App

Download the FOL App and Save!

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The must-have mobile app when you order Fountain of Life. Download from Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Install the app on your mobile device.

Open the app and order FOL antioxidant drops. Upon checkout use the coupon code “FOLAPP” on your second order and get 5% off.

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More Reviews…

WOW…I have now been taking my FOL daily for 13 days….As an Insulin dependant Diabetic I have suffered from high blood sugars in the mornings 12-15. After 5 days my fasting blood sugars (overnight) have dropped to an 8. I am sleeping through the night which has never happened due to being up peeing all night due to high sugars!!!!…I am soo stoked to continue to use FOL to see how much better I feel!!!!


I am going through that hormonal imbalance that many women face. I had hot flashes and I sweated profusely, waking up at least three times at night to change. After taking Fountain of Life for six weeks, it all stopped and now, I sleep completely all night long. My husband of 37 years is taking Fountain of Life and he has stopped snoring which means he is breathing better at night!

Mona L

Been living with pain for around 15 yrs. Started with low back pain and sciatica, progressing to arthritic symptoms and chronic inflammation throughout almost my entire body. I’ve had physiotherapy, deep tissue massage every treatment you can think of which did have some relief but only short term. I received my FOL yesterday and for the first time in years i slept through the night without feeling discomfort and woke up this morning with minimal pain in my lower back. This is just Day 1 on FOL…Finally a product that really works!


After over a year of not being able to close my hands, the swelling has gone down considerably and the pain is down from an 8 to a 2! I have severe rheumatoid arthritis. My hip is also doing much better….. and the energy…. Lets just say in full of It! ?????? I had an appointment with my Dr this morning, and he took a bottle home for his wife! Thank you so much for this powerful blessing???

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