Fountain of Life Reviews

From Around The World

Fountain of Life testimonials by real people with real results using FOL antioxidant supplement drops with all kinds of symptoms and medical conditions.

Please note that the following testimonials represent users own personal experiences. Fountain of Life is not a drug or cure for any disease or ailment. The following testimonials and reviews are not medical claims, just users experiences with Fountain of Life antioxidant supplement drops.

  • Kyrstine

    So in April 2018 I had found out my liver enzymes were in the 100’s which led me to the Emergency Department, although a few months prior my blood was normal. July I found out I’m have 2 genetic component that make me a carrier and have potential to developed hemochromatosis (iron overload) and I diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. My friend convinced me to try FOL after a year of begging me to try it. Honestly, I thought it was another scam product as I‘ve tried a lot of products and diets over the years just that failed. This first time in my life, I was able to actually lose weight easily, which is key into reversing NAFLD. From July- December, I’ve lost 45 lbs... Although my Specialist asked me to lose 30 lb in 1 yr, I did it in a few months. My liver biopsy, done 2 days after my 33th birthday discovered my liver nowhere close to being cirrhotic. In February, I found my liver enzymes are back in normal range and my iron only elevated by 2%.

  • Marian

    When I was rear ended in a car accident and was diagnosed with a concussion in March 2018, the remedy prescribed was SLEEP, sleep and more sleep with only limited activity. No computer time, no flights, limited phone and screen fact anything that required brain activity was limited until the inflammation of my brain subsided. The time suggested for this was 6 months. The only prescription doctor offered was sleep. The only thing I wanted was my FOL as I knew it had high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties!! Increasing my daily drops from 10 every morning to 15 drops in the morning and 10 in the evening helped me sleep deep and well every night!! After two months, my doctor was pleased with my response and after three months my doctor confirmed that my brain was responding normally and inflammation had subsided!! I’m most grateful that by increasing my FOL after the rear end collision (when my brain was stressed), reduced my recovery time by 50%. This helped the inflammation in my brain to subside so I could resume my normal activities.

  • Fareeda

    Fountain of Life is amazing! My son had an allergic reaction (what appeared to be an insect bite) in his private area. Happened overnight and he's 5 years old. I was freaking out, took him to the doctor - they prescribed Periton and a cream. I used it but was still despondent. Later that night it got bigger. Fountain of Life is NOT recommended for children. However, as a parent, it's my choice to use... because it's all natural! I applied Fountain of Life to the affected area. My friend Virlin Muhammad reminded me of the FOL and its benefits! The sensitivity decreased for the day. I put more later that evening, the swelling had decreased during the day. The swelling had completely disappeared Friday night! Today he doesn't have any sensitivity or swelling. Alhamdulillah. I truly believed the FOL worked because the cream just made it more plumped and I was freaking out!! I didn't put cream since Friday morning just the FOL. It was a little bitter for him but he kept saying "fountain of life worked mummy!"

  • Tammy

    Over the fall, my whole body has transformed...and it started with 1 bottle of Fountain of Life. My skin is clear, bright and definitely years younger. No more bags under my eyes!! My hair is thick and super shiny. My energy is up, and my appetite is down! Win win...!!! My migraines are completely gone 100%!!(No more hiding in the dark with ice packs on my eyes waiting for the prescription pills to kick in) My anxiety is gone 100% This is my life, and I’m over the moon happy with FOL!!

  • Michele

    I've gone through a lot. I suffer with seizures when it first started i would enter the seizures and not be able to move my entire body, also miss days....weeks at school because the pain from the seizures together with the falls were so bad. It came to a point where my mom was called everyday at her workplace to come pick me up when i went to school because i was having so many seizures and taking so many falls too. I've had seizures since i was ten years old and now I'm twenty- seven years , so it's been more than seventeen years now. I was introduced to FOL about i think a year ago or so. My mom bought it and she told me to try it so i did. When i started taking it once a day for the first three days i could feel a change in me. The first night i slept the whole night through unlike before i started it. Each day that passed by that i took it i got better and better. I couldn't do many things on my own before but now i could bathe on my own , walk on my own, so many things now. I use to take up to seven different types of medication in the beginning but nothing worked it kept getting me more sick but now i'm on two types of medication along with the FOL so its now stabilized the seizures . Id say for persons who are experiencing the same thing with the FOL as me that if i can make it this far so can you just have faith in yourself that you can do it and also trust the process.

  • Rosemary

    I have been taking FOL for just about a month now and have noticed a number of improvements. I am a two time cancer survivor and had 5 months of chemo last spring & started taking Tamoxifen last Sept which brought on intense hot flashes. Things I have noticed my hot flashes are less frequent and less intense when I do have one my hair has been growing faster my energy levels are better my inflammation (left over from chemo) is reduced by at least 50% my gums were a mess and lots of bleeding. I stayed on the course of brushing my teeth 2x per day but did not start flossing or using my water pik. After two weeks of taking FOL and rubbing some on my gums, they cleared right up!! No red or bleeding. Pink and perfect. Not even kidding! I obviously do not know what effect FOL Is having on any cancer cells which may or may not be still floating around in my body, but given the improvements I have seen in 30 days, I remain optimistic ?

  • Anthea

    For years, I suffered from pain in the knees. I tried every form of over the counter medication....sprays, liniment, oils, etc. Some of them did nothing to alleviate the pain.Others provided relief for a while. One day as I was limping my way through town, I met Dr. E. I told about the pain that I was experiencing. She told me to check with her in a few weeks’ time and she would give me something for the pain. When I went in to see her about a month later, she gave me a bottle of Fountain of Life. I really didn’t believe it would have worked, but I took it as directed. Three days later, the pain ceased. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve had no pain since. I still take F.O.L.

  • Dorothy

    I suffer from Multiple Sclerosis and Degenerative Disc Disease, as well as arthritis in every joint and broken bone. However, in my most recent appointment with my neurologist which treats me for the MS, a odd thing happened. He asked me what the heck I was doing because I looked “fabulous” ! My gait had improved significantly and other tests proved it. With the reduction in inflammation, FOL has given me back a more normal life than I had ever thought possible! As is the routine with my appointments and the medication I am on, I had to go to have a complete metabolic panel drawn up (blood tests). As soon as the results came back the next morning, the neurologist called me personally! I am to “Keep on doing what you are doing! That stuff (FOL) May not be a Drug, but it is certainly got my approval for you using it. Your labs came back the best I have ever seen them! Don’t you dare ever stop taking it, it is truly a miracle! Great job.” I thanked him and told him that he shouldn’t worry as I was not about to stop taking it because it truly works! I have only been taking FOL every day since Feb. 14, 2018 At 7:37pm and the benefits far outweigh the taste! Thank you ever so much

  • Eljen

    Valentine’s day 2018 when I started taking Fountain Of Life. This product changed my life in many ways. I’ve been suffering from Osteoarthritis of the neck, chronic low back pain, arthritis in both hands, acid reflux, migraines and to top it all I injured my wrists, elbows and shoulders. I will wake up with pain and stiffness in my hands, neck and back. I always carry advil and pain meds in my backpack everywhere I go. And then FOL happened! Although it’s not a cure, or a drug or treatment this product is so powerful. In just a few hours after taking my drops, I woke up like a new person. Those things that I mentioned above are all gone. Imagine waking up without pain, stiffness and acid reflux. I have more energy now, my hair is growing again and I can go to the gym again. This a “Godsend” product. I never leave home without it.

  • Anthony

    I started using FOL, 12 Oct 2019. Here’s some amazing experience. I had hemorrhoidectomy 10 years ago, for the last 2 years, i have been experiencing swollen hemorrhoids (size of small tomato) every time i pooh in the morning.. Did tried some synthetic medicines, but not quite satisfied with the results. I even experienced bleeding several times the past couple of months. Just waiting for another surgery in case it progresses. To my surprise, after using Fountain of Life, just for 2 days orally, i noticed the great reduction in size… i am now on my 13th day and continues to reduce in size. Amazing Product… Amazing experience.. Now i am confident, that surgery will never come.. Guess, in a couple of days, i will try it topically to speed up effect.. that’s the power of FOL as an amazing anti inflammatory agent… Thanks To FOL.

  • Carmel

    I woke up on Saturday May 2nd with a sore throat and I wondered why because I take my FOL drops but I actually forgot to take them one day. Yes, ONE day!!! And the past few days, I’ve had chills, sweats, runny nose and massive headaches. I’ve called my doctor to see if it was strep throat and not COVID-19 (coronavirus). She said because of the symptoms I should be tested, well I was tested in Tuesday and the results came back today (Friday). Negative!!!! FOL is such a powerful product but letting your defences down and forgetting to take it for ONE day is something I will never do again.

  • Angela

    I have been having digestive/tummy problems since late December of 2019. In February 2020, I had to see a gastroenterologist because the issues were really bad. Among the many other tests and medications I took and went through, he also did an elastography scan of my liver on the 12 February and found it to be moderately high,so a fatty liver issue amongst other things as well! I went back today for a follow-up visit to the doctor and did another elastography scan to check on it again. My doctor was utterly surprised and in his own words …”unbelievable” You have a liver of a young child….and my stomach and other digestive issues are all good as well! He queried me as to what I am taking and as soon as I told him about FOL he went on his computer to look up the medicinal properties of it and went “Oh Wow”! I am speechless but I always knew that there was something special with our Fountain of Life drops.❤️❤️❤️

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